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Human Timeline

April 7, 2011

This is an activity that is meant to be used after you have finished asking a story.

  1. Break the story into chunks. If you have a smaller class (15ish students or fewer), each student can have their own chunk of the story. If you have a bigger class, several students may have the same piece of the story.
  2. Each student should have time to memorize his or her chunk of the story.
  3. Assign a "Beginning" point in your room (one corner) and an "End" point (the opposite corner).
  4. Students will line themselves shoulder-to-shoulder up to create a timeline for the story, from beginning to end. They do this by saying their segment in L2 to a classmate and listening to his or hers, then deciding which one happened first.
  5. If more than one student was assigned the same chunk, they line up front to back in the same horizontal position on the line.
  6. After students have decided that they are in the correct position, run down the line and have each student say his/her chunk LOUDLY in order to check them for accuracy.

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