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Je m'appelle Romain reading 1528674 1 Je mappelle 7 Je mappelle 8 Je mappelle 9

French Reading | Introductions - Je m'appelle

An embedded reading on introductions featuring the structure: "Je m’appelle Romain"

Beginner (Level 1), Novice (Levels 1-2)
7 Pages
45 minutes

This is an embedded reading meant to be used in the first week or two of French 1. It includes the structures comment t'appelles-tu, je m'appelle, s'appelle, garçon, fille, and dit, as well as a lot of cognates.

It contains three versions:

  1. A four-page booklet with a three-level embedded reading--each one more detailed--and comprehension questions. (see for more information on the strategy)
  2. A projectable version of the most detailed reading from #1
  3. A photocopiable version of the most detailed reading from #1

This reading was originally written in Spanish and translated into French by Julia Ullman. It was proofed by Megan Murphy and Karima Mann.

  • This was perfect for my intro-level language exploratory class.

    Elizabeth S.
  • Great embedded reading. The students are so funny when discussing their opinion of the responses in the story.

    Nikki M.
  • I used this with my Grade 8 class. It was very helpful to get them reading. It made them feel very successful!

    Liliana P.
  • This was my first experience with embedded reading: an easy one, then one a bit harder. It was the perfect way to practice "je m'appelle" ....and as Krashen says, reading is the best way to build vocab (and IMHO confidence).

    Deb Blaz
  • I am short on time and appreciate that these will help my students get more practice with reading and French. Such a confidence booster for them.

    Crafting a French Blend

French Reading | Introductions - Je m'appelle


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