Thank you so much to everyone that came to my presentation on Saturday at ACTFL! This was my first time presenting outside of Alaska, and I was SO nervous!! Glory be to my Jesus, I survived!! If you have not yet downloaded the handouts from my session, please click here. Please remember that my presentation is copyrighted, and if you took pictures of the slides with your iPads or other devices, you are welcome to use them for your own personal educational use, but you may not use them to present without permission from me. I know that everyone was in a rush to get on to their next session, and so many people left with questions. If you were one of those people, I would love to answer them for you in writing, since we can’t sit down to work through them over coffee in Orlando :) (Alas, I am back in balmy Anchorage. That was sarcastic.) The first question that I received is answered here. If you have a question or a comment, please leave it in the comment section of this post, and I will answer it as soon as I can! If you check the “receive notification of follow-up comments via email”, Wordpress will notify you when I’ve responded so that you don’t have to keep checking back.
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