KNOCK KNOCK MovieTalk resources in Spanish
Resources to support a ClipChat lesson on "Knock Knock" in Spanish
- Language
- Spanish
- Level
- Beginner (Level 1), Novice (Levels 1-2)
- Formats
- Pages
- 40 Pages
- Duration
- 2 days
This short film by Daniel Aragón is a perfect MovieTalk for early language students and/or teachers that are new to MovieTalk. Simple, repetitive, and with a great twist at the end--it is easy for the teacher and interesting to students.
This product contains the following resources to support a MovieTalk lesson:
- a MovieTalk script for the teacher
- a captioned slideshow with screenshots from the film: present tense and past tense versions provided; included in PDF, PPT, and Google Slides formats
- a pictochart for students to use as a retell support
- a printable booklet for students to use and read
- a writing extension or assessment
- detailed lesson plans
NOTE: THIS CLIPCHAT IS INCLUDED IN SOMOS 1 UNIT 3: CIERRA LA PUERTA - Do not purchase this product if you own the Cierra la puerta resources (individual unit or bundled).