One's Gotta Go | Discussion prompts in English
A discussion-based communicative activity targeting food!
- Language
- English (ELL/ESL/ELD)
- Level
- Multi level
- Formats
- Google Drive
One's gotta go! This popular discussion prompt is perfect for communicative language classes, and this no-prep resource makes it easy to start these conversations with your classes!
On each slide, students will see three food items that belong to a single category (three different fruits, three different colors, etc.). We've included 34 different food prompts! Students need to ponder the question, "If one of these were to cease to exist, which one would I choose to eliminate?". Allow your class to vote, or ask them to volunteer their choice and defend it with reasons--based on their level of linguistic proficiency.
These slides can be used as a daily warmup for class (one per day) or on a regular basis (such as every Tuesday), or many you can discuss many of the slides in a single class period. Another option would be to use single slides as brain breaks, designating three areas in your room as the different options to give students a chance to get up and move!
To make this product even more fun and versatile, we have provided dozens of different background images for the slides, allowing you to change the appearance of the slides with just a few clicks!