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The Somos Curriculum | NOVICE

Somos 1 is a Proficiency-oriented, Comprehension-based curriculum for Novice learners of Spanish

$400.00 $542.00

You save: $142.00

Bundle of 56 products
Beginner (Level 1), Novice (Levels 1-2)
Google Drive, PDF
Used with
Grades 6-12

The Somos Curriculum® is an acclaimed Proficiency-oriented, Comprehension-based Novice Spanish curriculum for Spanish 1 and 2. 

The Somos Curriculum for Novice Spanish makes teaching for proficiency easy. With step-by-step daily lesson plans, student printables, assessments, slideshows, and detailed learning objectives and alignments to national standards, The Somos Curriculum provides everything a teacher needs to fill 2 years of daily Spanish classes (50 minute periods) if you teach all lessons.

This Spanish Curriculum is a communicative curriculum focused on building linguistic proficiency and interculturality through exposure to contextualized, comprehensible input. Every unit has a unique cultural focus that provides a window into products, practices, and perspectives in diverse Spanish-speaking communities around the world. Watch our overview video here »

It is no surprise that thousands of teachers around the world are using and recommending the Somos Spanish Curriculum to teach Spanish!


  • Aligned to national standards 
  • Communicative focus
  • Authentic resources
  • Grammar in Context
  • Step-by-step, flexible lesson plans
  • Performance assessments


Each unit in the curriculum works with a specific set of Core Vocabulary words. These words are used extensively in communicative contexts throughout the unit, and they continue to spiral into use throughout all subsequent units.


If you are wondering which of your classes is best suited for Somos 1, please read this article for advice!

Click here to view a complete resource map for The Somos Curriculum | NOVICE.

The Somos Curriculum can be purchased individually, in bundles, or as a complete set. To view all the options click here

The Somos Curriculum® is a registered trademark of The Comprehensible Classroom.

Department Use

If you are purchasing curriculum or resource access on behalf of a school, district, or for multiple teachers, a separate product license must be purchased for each individual teacher. Click here to read the complete Terms and Conditions for purchasing.

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