Even though the first day of school is now a distant memory, I hope that this post will not go to waste! Perhaps you are about to receive a new group of students in the coming quarter, or perhaps you are already stockpiling ideas for how to do things differently next fall. Either way, I've a treat for you...if you teach FRENCH! Oui, français!

Julia Ullman, a teacher of French and Spanish, has taken it upon herself to translate Unit 1 of my Spanish 1 curriculum, "Dice", into French...and now we are sharing "Dit" with you! Merci beaucoup, Julia!!
Teach your students the structures c'est, un garçon, une fille, s'appelle, dit, je m'appelle, and comment t'appelles-tu in the first four days of French 1 with these plans. The free unit file includes projectable slides with vocabulary, bell-ringer activities, and short readings. Download the free unit by clicking here!!
Since I don't speak French and am quite unable to catch typos, please contact me directly via email (included in the file) if you have any corrections or suggestions. The one thing that this unit is missing that I use in the Spanish version is a simple song to teach to French students in the first week of school. If you have one that you've used in the past, please leave a comment directing other French teachers to it!
And speaking of French...I'm learning it thanks to TPRS Publishing's novel Brandon Brown veut un chien. It's so weird...I'm reading this novel written with really limited, repetitive, high frequency vocabulary, listening to the audio book, and reading the questions in the Teacher's Guide...and I'm understanding everything! No French teacher needed. Someone should do some research to see whether you can learn language by reading (that is a sarcastic joke, in case you didn't catch it). The novel is also available in Spanish and Pinyin and Hanzi, in case you'd like to buy a set for your classes...or one for yourself :) It's so much fun to learn language!!!