"Oh no you didn't!"
"Oh yes I did!"
Since I know how much all of my dear teacher friends LOVE the fidget spinner trend, I figured I would help all of y'all out and create some resources in Spanish so that you can spend even MORE class time talking about them! You're welcome, you're welcome.
Here's a FREE resource pack that you can use. At the very least, do yourself a favor and print out the reading to add to your class library. I am willing to bet that those very same students' whose eyes you'd like to poke out because they won't put down their dang fidget spinners are the ones that would pick it up and read it start to finish--and even like it ;-)
The pack also includes two #authres activities that I made for an article and accompanying video from BBC Mundo. There are TONS of other #authres about fidget spinners online (lots of YouTube reviews and tutorials), so you could really spend some time on the topic. Maybe so much time that your students would be sick of fidget spinners and not want to use them anymore. Hey, a teacher can dream, ya?
I love using #authres as long as I can find a way to make them comprehensible. This article and the video from BBC Mundo was really easy to work with! The original text was already quite simple, and I used a paraphrasing strategy to ensure that students understand it. Have fun amigos :)