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TPRS 101: A crash course in Teaching for Proficiency

March 8, 2018

What is TPRS? What is CI? How do I use it in my language classes? 

If you have ever found yourself asking one of these questions, this blog post series is for you. It will provide you with a roadmap for success on your journey to acquisition based language teaching!

Step 1: Decipher the acronyms.

Learn the meaning of three acronyms related to TPRS: TPRS, CI, and TCI. As a bonus, read this later-published post about ADI.

Step 2: Understand the goal.

In order to implement TPRS successfully, it helps to understand the goal of the activity. This post lays it all out for you!

Step 3: See TPRS in action.

Watching experienced teachers teach TPRS lessons was how I found the confidence to give it a try in my own classroom, as it conveys a clear image for what the lesson should look like. 

Step 4: Debrief.

After watching a TPRS lesson, this post will help you to unpack what you saw and apply it to your own future attempt at TPRS.

Step 5: Strategize.

While many teachers will eventually be able to teach TPRS lessons on the spot, without any preparation, it is extremely helpful to have a plan for your first--or first many--attempts. This post will help you create a plan for your first lesson!

Step 6: Give it a try.

This is the big one! You've done all you can do to prepare, and this post will give you clear tips on how to implement your plan.

Step 7: Connect with individuals and Connect with groups.

Finding a community for collaboration and encouragement is one of the top pieces of advice that experienced TPRS teachers offer to newbies. Learn how to find or start a group near you or connect with a virtual group!

Step 8: Get coaching.

Coaching is small group skills practice, in which one teacher (maybe you!) teaches a short demo lesson; no more than a few minutes; under the guidance of an experienced coach. This is a great way to hone your skills AND have fun with colleagues!

Step 9: Add more strategies.

Even going through the steps of TPRS will bring a harvest of acquisition, and there are many skills that you can develop to optimize acquisition. Read more in this Step 9 post!

Step 10: Make a longterm plan.

TPRS will likely become just one of the tools in your instructional tool belt. Mix it with other activities to build courses that feel good and work well for you and your students!

Steps 11-infinity: 

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