Looking for a fun, low-prep game to review a story you've just shared or a text you've read? Try Storyboard Bingo! This easy game shares similarities with several of our favorites that you might be familiar with, but this particular spin was put together by Project Manager Meghan Loveless for Unit 7 of The Vamos Curriculum.
What you'll need:
You'll need printed copies of the text that you want to work with (or a projected version that everyone can see clearly!), and a piece of paper and writing utensil for every student. In Vamos 7 we provide a form for students to write on, but they can just as easily work with blank paper.
How to play:
First, distribute supplies to every student. This includes a copy of the text (printed or projected!), a paper or form, and a writing utensil. If you're using blank paper, students should draw a large, 3x3 grid on the paper. Importantly, all students must write their names at the top of the page!

Next, with a copy of the text available to reference, instruct students to copy down 9 different sentences into the nine spaces of the grid. They must copy the sentences down in random order! Reiterate that they are copying one single sentence onto the lines in each box, exactly as they see it written–no creativity! Because students are reading and writing, they might need as much as five minutes for this part of the assignment.
After all students have copied over all nine sentences, have students exchange papers.
On their new paper, each student should read the nine sentences penned by their classmate and draw a quick sketch in the corresponding box to illustrate each one. Give students 30 seconds to illustrate each box, so that this illustration activity takes no more than 5 minutes. Time students and strictly stick to 30 seconds per frame!
Once all students are done with sketches, exchange papers one final time! No student should have the form that they wrote or illustrated–it should be totally new to them!
Give students time to read their new bingo boards to make sure they know which sentences the form they have now includes before the game begins.
Now, it’s time for Bingo! To play bingo, the teacher will choose sentences from the text or story at random to call out. When students hear a sentence that is on their board, they can mark it with pieces of paper or a small written symbol in the box. Feel free to add in some sentences that aren’t true to see if students notice!
A student has won when they get three in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally. If the potential winner is comfortable doing so, ask them to read their sentences aloud to verify the bingo!
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