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Criaturas locas

Imperfect Tense in Spanish Reading Worksheets
Intermediate (Levels 2-4), Advanced (Levels 4-AP)
12 Pages

This product contains 10 readings in Spanish that use high frequency verbs conjugated almost entirely in the imperfect tense. Each reading describes a strange, imaginary creature that lived long ago. Each reading is printed on a worksheet with a 'Draw 1-2-3' activity (adapted from the Latin Best Practices blog). Students read the description, illustrate it, add two speech bubbles in Spanish to the illustration, and summarize their illustration with 3 sentences in English.

This set of readings is a great way to expose your students to the imperfect tense. The most commonly used verbs in the readings include tenía, comía, bebía, vivía, era, estaba, le gustaba, estaba, había and quería. Consider using them as Fast Finisher activities, Homework, at a reading Station, as Sub plan materials...or anything else your heart desires!

  • This was a super fun and creative activity that my students seemed to enjoy. They especially liked the part where they had to draw each creature!

    erin melo
  • This was a super fun way to test student reading skills in Spanish and have them understand the use of imperfect tense for descriptions or habitual actions in the past. I loved looking at their drawings!

    Nicholas C.
  • The stories in this activity were so fun! I really liked that there were ten different stories, so that the students could not copy their neighbors. My students had a blast drawing out the ridiculous monsters that were described in their reading!

    Katie E.
  • Used for a fun brain-break kind of day in high school Spanish. We were deep into the preterite vs. imperfect and they needed to remember that Spanish can be fun. Threw this into the lesson plan to review the imperfect and they loved it.

    Elaine F.
  • Oh my goodness, we loved this! I made copies of the different creatures and handed them out randomly, making sure that no one at the same table group had the same animal. They really enjoyed hearing about each other's creatures as they were working. Very creative :)

    Sunshine Spanish

Criaturas locas


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