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Simple Sentences Game Pack | Somos 2 Units 1-7

3 interpretive games to play with contextualized vocabulary

Intermediate (Levels 2-4), Novice (Levels 1-2)
50 Pages

Translation-based games are an easy way to scaffold reading and listening comprehension for your students as they first encounter new words.

This Simple Sentences game pack is designed to help your students interpret the Core Vocabulary from Somos 2 Units 1-7 in context (7 sets total). Each set includes:

  • 12 sentences that use the Core Vocabulary for the unit
  • Materials and instructions for three games (Arcoíris (by Nelly Hughes), Seis, and Fan N Pick)

7 x 3 = 21 games total are included in this pack! Each set of materials is a PDF.

How to use these games

Use all three games as you begin each unit, or choose ONE of the three games to play in each unit in order to create variety for your students.

The game materials can also be repurposed as a homework assignment or absent work for students that miss class toward the beginning of the unit.

Not using The Somos Curriculum? No problem!

These game sets feature high frequency vocabulary that students can use to communicate in any context, no matter what curriculum you are following!


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