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November 8, 2011

This TPRS® story script is perfect for -AR verbs and for exposing students to Direct Object Pronouns. Download complete lesson plans for this story script in Somos 1 Unit 8.


  1. busca - s/he looks for
  2. encuentra - s/he finds
  3. sabes - you know


Download this story script, FREE, in our Subscriber Library. Find it in the Story Scripts folder!


Leroy has a dog but he can’t find it. He asks his dad, “Dad, do you know where my dog is?” His dad responds, “I don’t know. Look for it in your bedroom”. Leroy looks for it in his bedroom, but he doesn’t find it. What he DOES find is dirty underwear, but he doesn’t want dirty underwear. He wants his dog. So he asks his mom, “Mom, do you know where my dog is?” His mom responds, “I don’t know. Look for it in the kitchen”. Leroy looks for the dog in the kitchen, but he doesn’t find it. What he DOES find is a rotten apple, but he doesn’t want a rotten apple. He wants his dog. Finally, Leroy asks his friend Ricardo, “Ricardo, do you know where my dog is?” Ricardo responds, “Of course! Your dog is in my stomach. I ate it because I was really hungry”....


Download lesson plans to work with this story in class and use it to preload vocabulary for a content-based unit about La comida latina:

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