A teacher posted in the Somos Curriculum Collaboration group yesterday that she just can't get with the original story script that I included with my Madre de Jasón unit plans. This was not a new sentiment--the original story was written by one of my eighth graders, and the premise was definitely weird and perhaps inappropriate for some situations. Teachers had said the same thing before, and so I added suggestions for tweaks at some point--but clearly a more significant overhaul was needed. So today I sat down to write a new script and update the unit. When I was originally developing my Somos curriculum, I never imagined that other teachers would be using the materials in their classes. For this reason, it never occurred to me to look at stories created by my students through the lens of whether or not they would be appropriate for other situations. There have been several times over the years that I have made changes and/or additions to units so that they will work better in all teaching situations, and I hope that you will continue to reach out to me when you have concerns with content so that I have the chance to help you out!

Please feel free to take, use, and adapt this script for your classes. It is licensed with a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, which means you can do with it what you like provided you re-share with credit and under the same license, and commercial use is prohibited.