The class videos are in and they.are.AMAZING! I don't even have words to describe the...umm...yeah I can't even think of a good adjective for them. 18 classes ended up submitting videos for the Paloma Blanca music video competition, and I could not be more happily horrified with the results.
It took me a few days to get all of the videos in one place, and I am finally ready to share them with you so that you can watch with your students, vote, and select the Top 3!
The entries are numbered 1-18, and all 18 videos are all unlisted (meaning they won't appear in YouTube search results, but you can access them if you have the direct link). I would love for you to watch them with your students throughout the week, and I would encourage your students to leave KIND comments in Spanish on the videos. (Comments will only appear after I have approved them, and I will only approve comments that are (1) in Spanish and (2) not unkind).
Once you have watched all 18 videos, any language teacher (Spanish, French, Chinese, German...ANY language teacher!) is allowed to submit ONE BALLOT. Students cannot submit ballots. If you are a Spanish teacher and watch the videos with your class, consider having your students vote and then submitting the winners that they chose on your ballot.
Any language teacher may submit ONE ballot that lists his or her top three choices. Voting will close on Sunday, May 14 at midnight AKDT--that means you have ONE WEEK to watch the videos and select your top 3!
*And remember--I have another giveaway running right now! Today (Sunday, May 7, 2017) is the last day to enter to win one of three copies of my new Grammar in Context book from Teacher's Discovery!