Here is an outline of my lesson plans for Chapter 3 of Esperanza:
Read the article about strikes from the Teacher's Guide, and discuss it and justice using the questions provided. We did not do the protest poster activity outlined in the Guide.
We listened to "La llamada" by Selena and completed the activity described in this post. Then, I explained that the narrator was going to receive two more phone calls in Chapter 3.
Reading and discussion
I read aloud Chapter 3 to my students as they followed along in their books.
We discussed the discussion questions from the Teacher's Guide as a class, and I clarified and explained pieces of the story that they had were confused about. In particular, I worked through the series of events beginning with the bus accident (reminding them that Alberto is a bus driver) and ending with Alberto not returning home.
Students re-read the chapter on their own and completed this graphic organizer that I created: Esperanza chapter 3 esquema
We reviewed the Esquema together.
Students did a Fan'N'Pick activity (in groups of 3) using the same comprehension questions from the guide (that we had already gone over) plus two more to make an even twelve. I printed each question on a card (you can download a blank form to use on the Fan'n'pick link), and they recorded their group's answers on this form (Chapter 3 Esperanza discussion questions). Because we had already gone over these answers, students were more confident in their speaking.
We did the Chapter 3 quiz from the Teacher's Guide as a warm-up on the day that we began Chapter 4 (not graded, just as review).
There are a lot of activities in the Teacher's Guide for this chapter that I am saving for the end of the book--namely, the projects that it includes.