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Lecturas diarias | Month 2 BUNDLE

Month #2 Bundle (20 Readings in Spanish for Beginners)
$15.00 $20.00

You save: $5.00

Bundle of 4 products
Novice (Levels 1-2), Intermediate (Levels 2-4)
40 Pages

Lecturas diarias para estudiantes de español is a series of readings intended for language students after completing at least one year of language study. Each set provides one week (five days) of readings. One reading is provided for each weekday:

  • Lunes de leyendas: A legend from a Spanish speaking country
  • Martes de maravillas: A natural wonder from a Spanish speaking country
  • Miércoles de música: A latin song, genre, or artist
  • Jueves de joyas: a non-fiction text about something interesting from the Spanish speaking world or Jaja jueves: a funny meme or graphic with accompanying reading
  • Viernes de viajes: A destination (place or event) in a Spanish speaking country


  • Lunes de leyendas: La leyenda de las cataratas del Iguazú
  • Martes de maravillas: Arma de instrucción masiva
  • Miércoles de música: ¿Dónde jugarán los niños? - Maná
  • Jueves de joyas: Utensilios de semilla de aguacate
  • Viernes de viajes: Los molinos de viento de Consuegra, España


  • Lunes de leyendas: La leyenda de la quinua
  • Martes de maravillas: Día Nacional de la Lucha Libre en México
  • Miércoles de música: En guerra de Sebastián Yatra y Camilo
  • Jueves de joyas: Invasión de capibaras
  • Viernes de viajes: ¡Vamos al dolmen de Guadalperal!


  • Lunes de leyendas: El múcaro
  • Martes de maravillas: Salto del Ángel
  • Miércoles de música: La vida es un carnaval de Celia Cruz
  • Jueves de joyas: La vaquita marina
  • Viernes de viajes: El volcán Paricutín


  • Lunes de leyendas: La leyenda del murciélago
  • Martes de maravillas: Caral, la ciudad más antigua del continente americano
  • Miércoles de música: La bamba
  • Jueves de joyas: Elicura Chihuailaf Nahuelpan
  • Viernes de viajes: Caño Cristales, Colombia

The original intent of this set of resources was to create a resource that teachers could provide to their students as optional summer enrichment for interested students (so that they could read one page per day throughout their summer vacations), but there are unlimited uses for these texts!

  • Print and add to your class library for Free Reading!
  • Print and leave a selection for Sub Plans
  • Add to units of study as whole-class reading
  • Send with students on extended absences
  • and more!

The most motivating kind of reading for is no-strings-attached reading, and for that reason we recommend that teachers allow students to read these texts without completing any follow-up reading activities. However, because we know that there are many instances in which teachers might need or prefer to assign a post-reading task (substitute activities, absent work, etc.), we have provided a one-page post-reading Smash Doodle® template for each text that students could use to summarize the information from each text or story.


Department Use

If you are purchasing curriculum or resource access on behalf of a school, district, or for multiple teachers, a separate product license must be purchased for each individual teacher. Click here to read the complete Terms and Conditions for purchasing.

  • I love the variety of these stories. I printed out several copies and make them available during self-selected reading. It was a quick way to increase reading selections in my classroom library.

    Jeanna Aldridge
  • I am using these to build out my FVR library on a limited budget. I so appreciate having thoughtful, interesting and extensive reading resources, so I can provide my students choice and help them develop their language abilities--without having to spend a ton of money on readers. Thank you!

    Kathryn B.
  • I LOVE THESE STORIES! The students enjoy them for a quick Free Reading time. They are the perfect length and keep the students interested.

    Paula M.
  • My Spanish 2 students loved these last year. This year I plan to use this collection in the first few weeks of my 5th grade immersion Spanish Language Arts. Fun engaging readings. I love the variety.

    Sra. Vallín
  • I purchased these reading for sub plans. Originally I planned to use them for Spanish 1, but feel they would be a better fit for Spanish 2.

    Melissa B.
  • My Spanish 2 students loved these last year. This year I plan to use this collection in the first few weeks of my 5th grade immersion Spanish Language Arts. Fun engaging readings. I love the variety.

    Colleen V.
  • These are fantastic! There are a variety of readings on various topics. This is a great addition to FVR or even emergency sub plans. We´ve used a few readings together in class, too.

    Shane G.
  • These resources are invaluable for continuing to provide CI to students even when we are not face to face!

    Jan B.
  • Lots of great short readings. I've added many of them to my fvr library and we've used some of them in class as full group readings. They are short with vocabulary help for those that need it.

    Kelly T.
  • These are amazing! Well written and engaging. Nice variety of texts. I made comprehension questions and use them as warm ups in my Spanish 2 class. Please make a second bundle! We need more readings!

    Caitlin D.

Lecturas diarias | Month 2 BUNDLE

$15.00 $20.00
$15.00 $20.00

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