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Vamos Unit 1 | Chocolate | Exploratory Spanish

The Vamos Curriculum™ for Exploratory Spanish

Beginner (Level 1)
8 days

Vamos™ is a proficiency-oriented curriculum designed for Exploratory Spanish courses. As an Exploratory curriculum, Vamos has three primary objectives:

  1. development of linguistic proficiency
  2. exposure to products, practices, and perspectives from a range of Spanish speaking communities
  3. fostering interest in continuing language study


Unit 1 of The Vamos Curriculum assumes that students have no prior exposure to Spanish. Each day is filled with communicative, target language activities that build connections within the classroom and between the classroom and the outside world. 

  • Core Verbs: es, le gusta, prefiere, dice
  • Featured Country: Mexico
  • Cultural Focus: Chocolate's origin in Aztec culture

Throughout the course of this unit students will learn an authentic rhythm hand game, communicate about their preferences, engage in cooperative storytelling, play games, learn about world geography, and learn facts about Mexico and Chocolate: all in the target language!

Content is scaffolded to build confidence in students as they get their first taste of a language class!


  • activities for introducing vocabulary
  • activities based on the short film
  • a TPRS® story script
  • an interactive Storybuilder presentation
  • story-based activities
  • a rhythm hand game sheet
  • an informational text
  • authentic video
  • the materials to play This or That?
  • a printable personal inventory
  • materials to play games
  • a slideshow including daily warm-ups
  • complete lesson plans
  • a student printables files
  • answer keys
  • detailed activity instructions
  • Grudgeball game
  • a complete unit overview with abbreviated daily plans, can-do statements, World Readiness standards, Common Core alignment, AP themes, Essential questions, and Proficiency Orientation

All unit materials are stored in a Google Drive folder that is accessed via a clickable link in the purchased Licensed Access Document. Materials may be downloaded and editable files converted to Powerpoint or modified in Google Suite.

Other Units from the Vamos Curriculum:

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