This is a great low-key lesson to do when your students are worn after a full morning of testing, as will be the case in Anchorage M-W next week! It could also work well as a follow-on for...
- SOMOS Spanish 1 Unit 14, which targets 'hace'
- SOMOS Spanish 2 Unit 5, which targets 'hizo un ruido'
Objective: Students will learn that many countries use onomatopoeias very different from ours to represent animal sounds and will learn basic Spanish animal sounds. Campanada: Students respond to the following questions in complete sentences in Spanish:
- ¿Qué ruido hace la vaca? - What noise does a cow make?
- ¿Qué ruido hace el perro? - What noise does a dog make?
- ¿Qué ruido hace el gato? - What noise does a cat make?
- ¿Qué ruido hace el pato? - What noise does a duck make?
- ¿Qué ruido hace la cabra? - What noise does a goat make?
- Write key vocabulary on the side board (students may not know "ruido" (noise) or some of the animal names.
- Discuss answers as a class. Ask students if they own any of these animals, or like/dislike them, have any interesting experience with one of them, etc.
Introduce theme
- Explain that different countries represent animal noises in different ways. For example...(give one of the examples from the Campanada and its Spanish equivalent).
- Show students the bzzz peek website. Have them choose different animals to listen to and different countries.
Introduce song:
- Circle the lyrics and check for understanding (lyrics are attached to the post at the above link)
- Create gestures for each animal
- Sing the song along with the video!
- Make up your own additional verses using bzzzpeek to look up animal noises in Spanish
To extend the lesson for a few more days, you could create a class story about what happens en la granja de mi tío.