This post has been on my website for awhile, but I'm trying to transfer everything over to this blog so that they can be labeled. _____ I'm always looking for FUN new games to use for Preferred Activity Time on Fridays. This one comes from Jeremy Jordan on the MoreTPRS listserv, shared with me by Michele Whaley. Someone goes out in the hall, and a second student "steals" something from them and hides it. The hall person comes back and tries to (1) figure out what was stolen and (2) who has it by asking Spanish terms. The winner for the day is the person that can find the thief with the fewest yes/no questions. I made up the attached document for the hall student to use to help him or her think of questions in my lower levels that don't really have the vocabulary to play the game yet. He/she holds a clipboard with this document on it. Dónde está mi...
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