I am laughing out loud!!
74 teachers left comments with their email addresses or emailed me to enter the giveaway. I loved reading all of your stories! I am wow'ed
by the amount of time and resources that all of you have poured into your teaching practice!
This morning, at 6:24am, I used this Random Name Selector to choose a winner. It is so easy, and there are many uses for your classes! I copied and pasted the list of 74 email addresses into the name selector, set it for a four-second spin, and voila! (if that's how you spell voila, haha!)....we have a winner!!
The only edit that I have done to this photo is placing a black box over a portion of the email address, since this person emailed me to enter:
So the reason I am laughing out loud is this--God has a crazy sense of humor! I am actually a little bit hesitant to write this lest y'all think I rigged the giveaway--but I promise that I did not! Alyssa and I went to high school together, and she sent me a Facebook message a couple of weeks ago saying that she is now teaching Spanish and had recently stumbled across my blog. Well, she has actually written several novels because she has not been able to purchase them on her own. And after I read her message, I thought, "You know what, I should do a giveaway on my blog, because there are so many teachers out there whose schools don't have the funding to buy new novels!" And so I did! She emailed me to enter the giveaway...and here we are!! I wouldn't even write out the whole back story except for the fact that I have been planning to make a post here in the next few weeks featuring her TpT store, so I don't want you to think that I have some sort of an evil conspiracy going on! I am begging you to believe me that her email address was chosen completely at random!!! Please believe me!
So...the official winner of the first-ever giveaway here at The Comprehensible Classroom, quite unbelievably, is Alyssa Brennan! Thank you to everyone that entered--and I am going to make giveaways a more regular occurrence around here! This is too much fun!