If you are standing up while you read this, you may want to sit down, because you are about to read something very exciting. Actually, you are about to read three somethings that are very exciting!! EXCITING SOMETHING #1 The iFLT 2014 Conference is open for registration!!! The International Forum on Language Teaching is a conference focused on comprehension based strategies through interactive teacher training. This year, the conference will be held in beautiful Denver, CO from July 15-18, and it features Dave Burgess, author of Teach Like a Pirate! Read more about this year's conference here! iFLT is an excellent conference for Comprehensible Input teachers with all levels of experience, as they offer beginning training, 're-launching' training, and advanced training. One of the coolest features that is unique to iFLT are the Language Labs, in which attendees have the opportunity to watch experienced TPRS Teachers teach language to groups of real, live students!! EXCITING SOMETHING #2 I'm going to be there! I'll be 32 weeks pregnant, but that won't stop me! (Well, unless it does..so prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy are greatly appreciated! My doctor gave me the all-clear for now, anyway!) I'll be presenting several sessions for both beginning and advanced CI teachers. To see the complete schedule, click here. EXCITING SOMETHING #3 I'm giving away a FREE conference registration to one very lucky reader, so that YOU can be there too! Here are the two things that you need to do in order to enter the iFLT 2014 giveaway:
- Make sure that you are able to attend the conference on July 15-18. Keep in mind that you will need to arrange and pay for your own transportation to Denver. If you are unable to do that, please do not enter the giveaway.
- Leave a comment on this post that lists (1) Your first and last name and (2) The school district, city, and state in which you teach. This way, I can hunt you down if your email address doesn't work for some reason.
Here are the "rules", if you can even call them that:
- Please do not enter if you don't think that you will be able to attend, either for financial reasons (you will need to pay for your own transportation to Denver) or because of timing. Don't enter until you are SURE that you can make it happen!
- You are not eligible to win if your school is willing to pay for your conference registration. I'll have to take you at your word!
- Your entry must be received prior to midnight AKST (4am EST) on March 7.
- Two alternate winners will be selected in case the winner becomes unable to attend due to any unforeseen circumstance.
- I will register you for the conference, so you will not receive any money from me--don't think you can use your winnings to buy a flight to Mexico!
Early Bird registration is open until May 31, so you will have plenty of time after the giveaway ends to purchase your own registration at the reduced Early Bird rate of $379 if you do not win. (Early Bird registration for 1st year teachers is $239 and for Student Teachers it is just $179.)