Today is one of my very favorite days of the year. 3/21, World Down Syndrome Day. I hope that many of my readers' lives have been touched as deeply mine has by individuals with a bonus chromosome! Today is a day to celebrate these special lives and the families that support them, and here are some resources to help you do so in your Spanish classes: Here is the story of a catering company in Argentina: Here are two articles that I have pulled from past issues of EL MUNDO EN TUS MANOS--available for FREE in honor of this special occasion! And more ideas from Elvira Rebate: Here is a poster with instructions for how to participate in Mismatched Socks Day (at my son's school, they did Crazy Socks Day instead)--your students can use the hashtag to post pics of their mismatched socks online: "En este día, llevar calcetines desparejados nos sirve para reconocer que todos somos diferentes." ...y otro video: And from Andrea Giganti; great for upper levels: "Tú puedes ser lo que quieras ser"