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Today in history May English 681 691 701

These slides can be used for break breaks, bellringers, bulletin boards or free reading materials!

English (ELL/ESL/ELD)
Multi level
Google Drive, PDF
62 Pages

This product contains 31 "TODAY IN HISTORY" slides; one for each day of May.

Each slide describes four events: three events that happened on that day in history, and one event that is fictitious. All events are written in simple English, with ELL students in mind. Students should read all four events and then guess which one is the "Intruder"; the fictitious event.

All slides are fully editable so that the teacher can increase text complexity if desired.

These slides can be used as a Brain Break tournament, a Bellringer, a Bulletin Board, or Free Reading material for your classes.

An answer key is included for each slide (a slide that reveals which event is fictitious).

  • The one activity my kids always wanted to do last year.

    Hilda C.
  • Very comprehensible. My students really enjoy these.

    Theresa F.
  • This is so fun for a novel way of glad to have this resource and not create them on my own!

    Melanie Thomas
  • I love these! I used them as a way to start each class which would lead to conversation. Thanks!

    Christine B.
  • Using this as a bell-ringer (and extra input) with my eleventh graders. They divided into teams and we're using it as an ongoing trivia competition. Thanks so much for putting this together - lifesaver for first year teachers like me!

    Katelyn H.

Today in History: May


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