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I love this simple activity that I found on Pinterest because it is just so adaptable and takes zero preparation! As Comprehensible Input teachers, we are always looking for new ways to revisit stories, readings, and discussions so as to provide students with repeated exposure to linguistic forms, as well as concepts.

Jeopardy Q&A is a reverse quiz

Jeopardy Q&A is backward questioning. In this activity, the teacher provides students with answers and requires them to generate the questions that would solicit the answer that you have given: just like they do on 'Jeopardy'. Depending on the answer that you provide, there may only be one 'right' question, or there many be an infinite number.

For example, if you were to read about Dusty the Kleptomaniac Cat while learning about Direct Object Pronouns, you might provide students with the answer "los robó" (He stole them). Because that only appears once in the reading, the questions that students could write are very limited. If you were to read the novel La Calaca Alegre, however, and provide the answer "La Calaca Alegre", students could write any number of questions [in Spanish]: What is the name of the restaurant that Carlos' mother went to on the night that she died? What is the name of the restaurant that has two dining rooms? Where did Carlos go to look for his mother? Where did Carlos see his mother's ghost? etc. etc. etc.

Many ways to play Jeopardy Q&A:

As I wrote at the beginning of the post, one of this activity's biggest benefits is its adaptability. Here are five different ways in which you could realize this activity:

The teacher....The students....
...says the answer aloud or writes or projects it on the board....raise hands and share questions that fit.
...says the answer aloud or writes or projects it on the board....write answers on individual whiteboards and reveal to the teacher.
...says the answer aloud or writes or projects it on the groups share answers using Numbered Heads Together strategy.
...posts answers around the room on poster paper....move around the room "Gallery Walk" style and write questions on poster papers or post sticky notes with questions to poster papers.
...creates an interactive or digital Jeopardy game with 20-25!

Make it imaginative!

Even better, Jeopardy Q&A would be a fun game for P.A.T. (Preferred Activity Time). Simply create a random set of answers, and allow students to write questions for them. Students could work in groups, and then a panel of judges can vote on the best question. Download a pre-made set of answers here (mostly in past tense).

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