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Article in Spanish: A rescue dog dies in Ecuador

April 26, 2016

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Faith Laux shared with me a summary that she wrote about the story of a brave rescue dog that gave his life to earthquake relief efforts in Ecuador. She gave me permission to share the story here, and I've written a second, even more simplified summary so that more teachers can use it in their classes. Thank you so much, Faith, for sharing this!! Click here to download our summaries.

In the wake of a natural disaster, we ask ourselves, "What can I do?" As John Cadena (@cadenasensei) pointed out on Twitter sometime last week, this is a powerful essential question for a unit. Dayko was "just" a dog, and he used his training to save the lives of seven people. Gianina is a 14 year old Spanish student in California, and she is using her talent as an artist to raise money for earthquake relief efforts. Will you join her? Click here to access the article about Gianina. If you can, do a fundraiser with your students and contribute the funds to our CrowdRise campaign. If you can't, then please consider making a personal donation to our CrowdRise campaign. Many people giving even $10 will make a huge difference.

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