There is one week left in our CrowdRise campaign to show students that they CAN make a difference and raise money for earthquake relief efforts in Ecuador. Rincon Valley Middle School in California wrapped up their fundraiser today with a smashing $1,005.00 raised!
If you are looking for ways to continue talking about the earthquake in class (after reading the original article, the article about Gianina's fundraiser, watching and comprehensifying the information on this video, and the article about the rescue dog Dayko), consider showing your students this video of drone footage of the damage. Use MovieTalk techniques as you show it--pause the video every once in awhile and describe what is visible on the screen
What are other classes doing to participate in our CrowdRise fundraiser? Katie Swetnam's class made donation boxes to put around campus. The writing is in English because students from all over the school are encouraged to contribute. Caitlin Broadway's class came up with the idea "54 for Ecuador"! They are trying to raise $54 for every teacher in their school Once $54 is designated for a teacher, students get to throw a pie at him/her! What are YOUR classes doing?? Remember that anyone that contributes to the campaign on or before Friday, May 7 (a week from today) will be entered in a raffle to receive one of Gianina's original paintings! Even if your class can't participate, would YOU consider giving even $10 toward our campaign? Click here to contribute NOW!