I just heard from some more teachers today that are working on fundraisers for our Art for Ecuador CrowdRise campaign! If your class is doing a fundraiser for Ecuador earthquake relief efforts, inspired by Gianina's story, please contribute the funds raised to our CrowdRise campaign by this Friday, May 7, so that we can see just how big an impact Gianina made! Anyone that contributes on or before Friday will be entered in the drawing to win one of Gianina's original paintings. After an elementary Spanish teacher, Ms. Sotomayor, shared the article about Gianina with her 3rd graders, one student caught the making-a-difference bug! Another teacher in the school learned of the girl's project, and she shared this write-up with the school, along with a picture of the student:
"Inspired by Ms. Sotomayor's lesson, [a third grade student] set up a lemonade stand over the weekend and earned $54.25 to donate to the earthquake victims in Ecuador. The lesson pertained to a middle school Spanish student named Gianina who wants to make a difference and is sponsoring a fundraising raffle for one of her paintings. Gianina's hope was that others would be inspired to use their talents to follow her lead and make a difference as well. [The third grader] knew that with her entreprenuerial skills learned during the Kiva project, she would be able to profit from the sales of lemonade. We are proud of you and your effort to make a difference!"
As Ms. Sotomayor shared on Facebook, in the grand scheme of things, $54.25 is not a lot of money--but the fact that this third grader was moved to do something and acted on it is simply amazing. She also shared that the response is starting to get contagious with other students, and they are hoping to raise more before the 7th! Click here to contribute the CrowdRise campaign now. I dare you--YOU--to contribute $10!!