A good number of you read to the end of yesterday's post, but just to make sure I catch everyone--
Sara Chronister, a Spanish teacher that has been using my curriculum units, started a Facebook group for curriculum support and collaboration for my Spanish Levels 1 and 2. I am really excited about this group and thankful that Sara put it together! I am confident that it will be a valuable resource to anyone using my curriculum units. This is NOT a group for teachers that have purchased one or two random lesson plans from me; it is meant for teachers that have purchased (or plan to purchase) and are using the complete Level 1 and/or Level 2 curriculum. Please only request to join the group if this describes you! We want to keep it purpose driven and not bogged down by questions and conversations that don't have anything to do with my curricula. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE GROUP NOW!
For the sake of both legality and fairness--to those that have purchased the materials and to me--please read these guidelines before you share resources in the group! I will be monitoring the posts and resources shared, and I ask for your understanding in advance if I remove a post or a resource. I hope that you do not consider me ungenerous for being stern when it comes to copyright; there are hundreds of free resources on my blog and in my TpT store that you can use and share in any way that you please. When in doubt--ask! Copyright is confusing, even for me!
- Sharing class stories and any other materials that you've created from the story scripts (since story scripts are licensed CC-BY-SA, not copyrighted)
- Sharing specific ways that you used resources in class
- Sharing problems that you've had and solutions that you've found
- Explaining ways that you've adapted the materials for 1:1 classrooms, students with special needs, block schedules, etc.
- Suggesting activities to accompany purchased materials and sharing any resources you've created to go along with them
- Describing assessments that you've administered or projects you've assigned
- Asking questions and soliciting advice
- Notifying me and others of an error or possible error (always a good idea to also email me at martinaebex at gmail dot com)
- Posting the editable or PDF versions of purchased materials or portions of purchase plans online in a non-password protected area--in the group or otherwise
- Sending purchased materials to others via email or otherwise
- Sharing versions of purchased materials that you have modified or adapted in some way
- Sharing materials that you've created that are derived from purchased materials and that contain significant portions of the purchased materials