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Thank you, Gracias, Merci, Danke, Grazie... The Art for Ecuador fundraiser wrapped up 10 days ago, and in total we raised over $7000.00 (that I know about--not all of it went through our CrowdRise campaign). I am so grateful to all of you for sharing the articles about the Ecuador earthquake and Gianina's project with your students! The monies raised were donated directly to the Samaritan's Purse Ecuador Earthquake Relief fund. A student at Hancock Day School in Georgia won the raffle for an original painting by Gianina! In addition to the many fundraisers that classes created to raise money, one school had a unique connection that allowed them to collect bottled water! Mary Ann Peralta used the articles in class, but her students weren't immediately inspired to follow Gianina's lead in doing a raffle or similar project to raise money. As they continued to discuss the articles in class, one of the students of Ecuadorian heritage mentioned that her dad just so happened to be on a commission to safely deliver goods to the victims of the earthquake! They began to brainstorm ways that they could help and finally decided on an "Agua for Ecuador" campaign that would last for the last two weeks of the school year. Her Spanish II students researched water-related facts, created beautiful posters to let other students in the school know about this need, and created daily announcements that would go on the school wide PA system. At last count, they had collected over 30,000 ounces of bottled water (more than 2,000 bottles) and have just sent two shipments of bottled water to Miami to be placed in a container bound for Ecuador this past Sunday. HOW COOL IS THAT?! Check out photos from the Agua for Ecuador project: [gallery ids="|,|,|,|,|" type="rectangular"]

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