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Story script to target -AR imperfect verb conjugations

January 4, 2017

Hey amigos, I've got a new script for you! And guess what?? It TARGETS -AR imperfect conjugations! Yes, folks...this script here will provide your students with some good ol' comprehensible, targeted input! Update: click to read more!



se quejaba de - s/he or I complained about

a partir de ese momento - from that moment on

aguantaba el comportamiento - tolerated the behavior


The main character is always late somewhere. Lots of people complain. His/her behavior is tolerated by an authority figure for a long time. Eventually, the authority figure yells at the main character. From then on, the main character arrives late and then engages in an additional bad behavior once there. The cycle repeats until finally the main character is arriving late and then doing lots and lots of naughty things until some kind of resolution is reached.


  • Identity of main character
  • Regular event to which main character arrives late
  • Identity of authority figure
  • 3+ bad behaviors of main character *try to stick to -ar verbs—see ideas below!
  • Complaints from other attendees
  • Reasons that authority figure tolerates bad behavior


The full script is available in the Story Scripts folder of our Subscriber Library.


  • church
  • (x) class
  • work


  • Gritaba (erráticamente, románticamente) en (alemán, japonés, etc.)
  • Practicaba (el tenis, el fútbol, etc.)
  • Jugaba a Candy Crush a todo volumen
  • Tocaba (la guitarra, el piano, etc.)
  • Caminaba en círculos enfrente del (pastor)
  • Llamaba a 911
  • Se comunicaba con (espíritus, extraterrestres, etc.)
  • Hablaba con sus amigos
  • Escuchaba (música en su iPhone)
  • Bailaba (en un bikini, música sexy, etc.)

Find the complete script in the Story Scripts folder of our Subscriber Library!

You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and remix, transform, and build upon the material under the following conditions: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. 

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