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Workshop with Martina & Elicia in Dallas - February 2020

December 11, 2019

I know. We can't believe it either. BEHOLD! Our first ever SOMOS Workshop is being held in Dallas, Texas, on February 21 & 22, 2020!


A huge THANK YOU to Andrea Schweitzer at St. Rita Catholic School for taking the lead in organizing a space for us to host this workshop for language teachers!

What You Need to Know

This Workshop is For Everyone!

Whether you are new to SOMOS, a follower from the start, new to Comprehension-based™ language instruction or just considering making a switch in instructional methods, our SOMOS Workshop in February will provide lasting value, no matter where you are in your CI journey! Come one, come all!

Who is Coming to Dallas?

Martina Bex

The Comprehensible Classroom


Martina Bex is the Founder of The Comprehensible Classroom, whose curricula and training materials have been helping language teachers implement proficiency oriented, comprehension based language programs with confidence since 2010. Martina is internationally recognized for her leadership and expertise in the world language teaching profession as a teacher trainer and curriculum developer. A Spanish teacher by trade with experience in public and private schools and at the university level, Martina balances her work for The Comprehensible Classroom with the needs of her five young children, for whom she is the full-time caregiver. Martina has been published in The Language Educator and presents regularly at state, regional and national conferences in addition to consulting with individual districts and organizations. Her newest project for supporting teachers is the Garbanzo App, an interactive library of stories in Spanish designed specifically with language classes in mind.

Elicia Cárdenas

The Deskless Classroom

SOMOS Mentor

Elicia Cárdenas is a middle school Spanish teacher and department head.  In her role as SOMOS curriculum mentor, she works closely with the creator of the SOMOS/NOUS SOMMES curriculum to help teachers all over the world implement it successfully.  She has been invited to present at local and national conferences on various topics including classroom management, starting the year, dramatizing text, interactive notebooks, and techniques for getting more input. She teaches a World Language Methods class for pre-service and in-service language teachers in a graduate education program. Elicia is also part of the coaching team for NTPRS (National TPRS Conference).

More Trained Coaches!

We are working on making the arrangements for a few other trained coaches to join us in Dallas. We can't wait to share this time with great leaders in the community, and with you!

What Are We Going to Talk About?

The transition away from designing language courses based on a traditional grammar syllabus requires a shift in thinking as well as a shift in instruction. In this workshop, attendees will consider both the theoretical basis for Proficiency Oriented, Comprehension-based™ teaching and its practical application. Attendees will explore these concepts through interactive demonstrations taken from the SOMOS Curriculum. We will also consider how instructional shifts affect assessment, and build your confidence through coaching!

How Much Does it Cost?

Registration is $150! What does this include?

  • Saturday workshop attendance
  • BONUS! Coaching & Connecting (Friday)
  • Saturday Lunch and snacks

Travel and lodging is NOT included. Check back soon for hotel block information!

Where Exactly is This Event Happening?

St. Rita Catholic School

12525 Inwood Road

Dallas, TX 75244

St. Rita Catholic School is gracious enough to be our host! We will be meeting in "The Commons" on campus.

Traveling From Out of Town?

We recommend booking a room at:

Hilton Dallas Lincoln Centre

5410 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, TX 75240

Limited Hotel Block Information

To Reserve with our hotel block, please follow this link.

Group Code: SOMOS (needed when the reservations are made via central reservation line)

Reservation line: 1-800-445-8667

We have only a limited number of rooms reserved for Friday and Saturday nights!

Hilton Honors is a free program which will reduce your reservation costs. Rooms vary in pricing, and you can connect with other teachers to find a roommate by visiting our Facebook Event!

Need to Pay With a Purchase Order?

If your district is willing to send you, but needs to pay with a PO, simply register online through our Eventbrite link and select to pay by check. You will find our mailing address there.

Every district is a bit different. If you need anything additional to process your order and send in a check to register, please contact us at [email protected]. We'll get you what you need!

We can't wait to connect with you in February, face-to-face!

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