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EMETM 2022-2023 News Subscription Cover 7898131 1

El mundo en tus manos | 2022-2023

ARCHIVED news summaries for Spanish students from 2022-2023

$50.00 $160.00

You save: $110.00

Advanced (Levels 4-AP), Intermediate (Levels 2-4), Multi level, Novice (Levels 1-2)

100 breaking news stories, 300 total articles, 200 worksheets, and dozens of additional activities– all in Spanish! El mundo en tus manos provides teachers with an unparalleled bounty of current events content for their Spanish 2 and Upper Level Spanish classes, including AP Spanish during the subscription year and a storehouse of materials to reuse for years to come.

EL MUNDO EN TUS MANOS is a bi-weekly news publication that has been providing comprehensible news summaries from Spanish speaking countries to students since 2016. It is a collaboration between The Comprehensible Classroom, Maris Hawkins and Nelly Andrade-Hughes. With multiple versions of each article, Spanish language learners in Levels 1 - AP Spanish and Spanish Language Arts/Spanish for Spanish Speakers courses will find articles that they can read and understand in every issue.

Subscribers save $60 on the cover price of the published issues!


Each article will be provided in three levels of complexity:

15 articles per issue total! 5 news stories x 3 versions each = 15 articles

  • VERSION A offers the easiest to understand version of the news articles. This is the best fit for Novice-range learners.
  • VERSION B provides more details, and context-specific words are footnoted with English translations. This is a good fit for learners that are breaking into the Intermediate range of Proficiency.
  • VERSION C is the most detailed version of every article, and no vocabulary support is provided. This version is written for students that have acquired a wide range of vocabulary, such as Native speakers of Spanish, Heritage learners, AP language students, and learners in other upper levels that have engaged in extensive reading.

Each issue includes the following resources:

10+ worksheets per issue, plus whole-class activities and teaching ideas!

  • LEVEL A WORKSHEETS: This Slides document includes a print-ready comprehension worksheet and answer key for every Version A article. Each worksheet is equipped with invisible text boxes and ready to be assigned as a Paperless assignment, if preferred. Answer keys provided. All Level A activities are in English and designed to help students interpret the text as well as checking for understanding.
  • LEVEL B PRINTABLES: 5 unique comprehension activities, in Spanish, are provided for the Level B articles (one per article). This single file contains print-ready full-page versions of all of the Version B worksheets, plus answer keys.
  • LEVEL B PAPERLESS ARTICLES: We provide a paperless assignment for each Version B article. Each file is a multi-page resource that is prepped for digital interaction (with moveable pieces, editable text boxes, etc.). It includes both the article and an interactive comprehension activity so that students can read the article and complete the activity as a seamless digital assignment.
  • AUTHENTIC RESOURCE LIST: This document suggests several specific authentic resources related to the topic of each news story that you could choose to share with your students for further learning.
  • CLASS ACTIVITIES: For teachers that choose to share and discuss the full issue (5 articles) with their class at once, this document provides instructional suggestions and ready-to-go activities to use primarily with Version B and C articles.
  • PROJECTABLE ARTICLES: We provide a projectable Slides form of Version B of all five articles, making it easy for you to read the articles together with your students.


When this volume is complete, it will contain 20 issues of news summaries in Spanish, published on the dates outlined below. It will also include bonus materials related to the news stories that are published throughout the year. All issues will be stored in the Subscription Google Drive folder, which is accessible via a link that is in the Access Document.

All articles will be published on Friday mornings so that you have time to load assignments for the coming week into your Learning Management System prior to the Friday afternoon deadlines held by many districts.

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Published issues:

  • Encuentran reptil en los canales de Xochimilco (México)
  • La venezolana Yulimar Rojas hace historia (Venezuela)
  • Autoridades investigan vertedero de ropa en el desierto de Atacama (Chile)
  • Los Sanfermines y las corridas de toros (España y Colombia)
  • Petro asume la presidencia de Colombia (Colombia)
  • El ciclismo colombiano, un regreso y una sanción (Colombia)
  • Muralistas convierten pueblo hondureño en galería de arte (Honduras)
  • Artista enseña a uruguayos el arte del maquillaje (Uruguay)
  • Se celebra la 65.a edición de la Feria de las Flores en Medellín (Colombia)
  • Hallan fósil de dinosaurio en la Patagonia argentina (Argentina, México)
  • Bad Bunny hace historia en los VMA de MTV (Puerto Rico)
  • Investigan la muerte de tortugas gigantes en Galápagos (Ecuador)
  • Descubren cementerio antiguo en la República Dominicana (República Dominicana)
  • Los chilenos rechazan la nueva constitución (Chile)
  • La mejor paella del mundo es mexicana (México, España)
  • Desastres naturales causan daños en varios países (Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y México)
  • Muere «Marciano» Cantero, el vocalista de Enanitos Verdes (Argentina)
  • Gobierno de Perú investiga derrame de petróleo en la Amazonia (Perú)
  • Arte venezolano evita que miles de tapas de plástico terminen en el mar (Venezuela)
  • Alcaraz gana el Abierto de EE. UU. (España)
  • Incendio forestal causa daños irreparables en la isla Rapa Nui (Chile)
  • Moda nueva y sostenible (Panamá/Colombia)
  • Chayanne recibe premio ícono en los Premios Billboard Latinos (Puerto Rico)
  • Honduras conmemora la Semana Morazánica 2022 (Honduras)
  • Petro anuncia la redistribución de 681 000 hectáreas de tierra en Colombia (Colombia)
  • Falleció doña María, la mujer que inspiró el personaje de «Mamá Coco» (México)
  • Las canciones de la Copa del Mundo Catar 2022 (Varios)
  • Senado de España aprueba la «Ley de Nietos» (España)
  • Las donas que inspiran a los bolivianos (Bolivia)
  • La mariposa monarca ya es una especie en peligro de extinción (México y EE. UU.)
NOVEMBER 11, 2022
  • Pedernales, un destino turístico natural de la República Dominicana (República Dominicana)
  • Vuelve el Festival de Barriletes Gigantes a Sumpango  (Guatemala)
  • Descubren restos de un perezoso gigante en la casa de una familia argentina (Argentina)
  • Compañía de Barcelona construye casas diminutas sostenibles (España)
  • Peña hace historia como el JMV de la Serie Mundial (EE. UU. y la República Dominicana)
  • Ángela Álvarez gana su primer Grammy Latino (Cuba y EE. UU.)
  • Mexicanos brillan en la secuela de Pantera negra (México)
  • Muere Frida, la perrita rescatista (México)
  • Falleció Hebe de Bonafini, la fundadora de Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Argentina)
  • Día Internacional del Churro (España)
  • La Copa Mundial avanza a la ronda de 16 (Catar, México, Argentina)
  • Foto de un cocodrilo gana los Premios Mangrove Photography 2022 (Cuba y EE. UU.)
  • Tradiciones decembrinas en Bogotá (Colombia)
  • Estudiantes salvadoreñas ganan la Olimpiada Mundial de Robótica (El Salvador)
  • Falleció el famoso cantautor cubano Pablo Milanés (Cuba)
  • Descubren 168 nuevas figuras de Nazca (Perú)
  • Tres mexicanos nominados a los Globos de Oro 2023 (México)
  • Mejores destinos de Latinoamérica para viajar en el 2023 (México, Colombia, Perú, República Dominicana y Costa Rica)
  • Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo recuperan a los nietos 131 y 132 (Argentina)
  • Presidencia de Perú: destituyen a Castillo e instalan a Boluarte (Perú)
  • Cuba autoriza el boxeo femenino (Cuba)
  • Profesor chileno descubre momia durante un paseo por la playa (Chile)
  • Exhibición del Musef presenta cortos animados de leyendas bolivianas (Bolivia)
  • Jóvenes salvadoreños trabajan para salvar un importante cerro (El Salvador)
  • Txikon corona el Manaslu (España)
  • Cierre de Machu Picchu y toma de Lima (Perú)
  • Celebraciones de enero en Panamá (Panamá)
  • Putacos: una combinación de culturas (El Salvador, EE. UU.)
  • Canción de ABBA financia la educación de niñas en Centroamérica (Guatemala)
  • Descubren decenas de especies inéditas de peces en Bolivia (Bolivia)
  • Celia Cruz aparecerá en moneda de 25 centavos (Cuba, EE. UU.)
  • 222 opositores de Ortega son expulsados de Nicaragua (Nicaragua)
  • Anfibium, el museo del ajolote, abre sus puertas en la CDMX (México)
  • Muere el famoso diseñador español Paco Rabanne (España)
  • El Festival MACK celebra la cultura asiática en Paraguay (Paraguay)
MARCH 3, 2023
  • Brote de virus de Marburgo en Guinea Ecuatorial (Guinea Ecuatorial)
  • Finalizan las selecciones para la Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA (Panamá)
  • Bárbara Hernández logra récord de nado antártico. (Chile)
  • El Carnaval Vegano es declarado Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (República Dominicana)
  • México prohíbe el buceo en jaula para ver tiburones blancos (México)
  1. Sismo sacude a Colombia (Colombia)
  2. La astronauta mexicana Katya Echazarreta tendrá su propia Barbie (México, EE. UU.)
  3. Se celebra el Festival Holi en El Salvador (El Salvador)
  4. Huaraches vs tenis en el ultramaratón tarahumara (México)
  5. La tortilla española, según ChatGTP (España)
  1. Adolescente argentino rompe récord mundial de armado de cubo Rubik (Argentina)
  2. Arqueólogos del INAH descubren cámara funeraria maya en Palenque (México)
  3. Día Nacional de la Bomba en Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
  4. Régimen de excepción cumple un año (El Salvador)
  5. Entomólogo chileno descubre el chinche más antiguo (Chile)
  • Falleció el famoso comediante mexicano Xavier López Chabelo (México)
  • México recupera «la pieza olmeca más buscada» (México)
  • Se presenta nuevo proyecto de ley en California (EE. UU.)
  • Joven estadounidense viajó de Alaska a Argentina en bicicleta (EE. UU.)
  • La chakra andina es patrimonio agrícola (Ecuador)
  • Mujer española pasa 500 días aislada en una cueva (España)
  • Gasolina se incorpora al Registro Nacional de Grabaciones (Puerto Rico, EE. UU.)
  • Arrecife de coral prístino es descubierto en las islas Galápagos (Ecuador)
  • Alerta naranja en el volcán Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia)
  • La WWE regresa a Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
MAY 12, 2023 ARTICLES:
  • Los Juegos Panamericanos de Surf se celebraron en Panamá (Panamá)
  • La chef mexicana Elena Reygadas es la mejor del mundo (México)
  • La nueva peatonal abrió en el Barrio Chino (Argentina)
  • Descubren el segundo agujero azul más grande del mundo (México)
  • Aumenta la salinidad del agua en Montevideo (Uruguay)
MAY 26, 2023 ARTICLES:
  1. Bautizan nueva especie de mariposa en honor a Sauron (Colombia)
  2. Selección mexicana de natación artística gana el oro en la Copa del Mundo (México)
  3. Familia de Maunabo, Puerto Rico, crea artesanías con cocos (Puerto Rico)
  4. Paraguay conmemora 212 años de independencia (Paraguay)
  5. Conoce el teatro inclusivo La Tramoya (España)

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  • This is my go to "newspaper" for students to read about current events. I love that it's in different levels. Gracias.

    N S
  • I love this resource for many reasons. My top two reasons are: 1. It is a comprehensive reading activity. Because it is leveled, I can use it with all my students Spanish 1-AP. 2. It is typically high interest, relevant and fun.

    Lisa H.
  • As always, great resource for the Spanish classroom. I teach Heritage and Native Spanish speakers, and it provides a wonderful opportunity to highlight and discuss current events relevant to the Spanish Speaking World.

    Leonor B.
  • This is such a great resource. It is so important to keep up to date with world news and to do it in Spanish is such an asset. My students are able to read and understand using the vocabulary provided. The worksheets are great as well.

    Liliana P.
  • This is an excellent resource to use in the classroom and have students discuss and be aware of Spanish Speaking Countries current events. Very informative and the articles and activities are engaging.

    Ana V.
  • I love to use EMETM when I know that I will not be in the classroom. Students read articles, and the next day we have discussions that reveal how much they understood. It's also a great way to keep reminding them about all of the happenings around the world that they never hear about otherwise.

    Amy B.
  • Love the tiered reading for my students. They enjoyed reading these articles and discussing what they learned and their opinions about the articles. This was also a great supplement to my FVR.

    Ada M.
  • I love this resource! I can use it in so many ways. It is good for current events, fvr, choice reading and as a supplement to the thematic units my school uses.

    Leigh M.
  • I always buy this resource for my heritage students that are mixed in my regular classes. Thanks for creating it!

    Vero Cross
  • My students eat these up! Love the links to the authentic resources too!

    Kate Chan
  • Have used these news articles every year with all levels of classes to help students learn about current events around the world.

    Jennifer H.
  • This is my favorite resource for weekly reading about current events. I love that there are now (in the past few years) activities to go along with the news stories. I will let this be a once-a-week reading activity... so we will focus on a couple of articles one week and the others the next.


    Ruth Stimart
  • I can't say enough about El Mundo en Tus Manos- my students and I love it! I'm looking forward to diving into timely culture again this year!

    Alyssa L.
  • Comprehensible Classroom creates excellent resources here for covering current events. I appreciate that their are multiple levels each week so you can truly utilize these articles in all your levels, and there are accompanying activities as well. I use these routinely with heritage learners at the middle school level and in regular Spanish classes at the high school level.

    Zoe Witzeling
  • I LOVE THESE ARTICLES!! They are all very engaging and are great to use in so many ways in my class. They really help my students with their reading skills and also are great authentic resources!

    Kimberly S.

El mundo en tus manos | 2022-2023

$50.00 $160.00
$50.00 $160.00

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