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- va a - s/he goes to
- su hermano tiene - his/her brother has
- su novia está enojada - his girlfriend is angry
- El muchacho va al parque con su novia y con su hermano. The boy goes to the park with his girlfriend and his brother.
- El hermano tiene una bicicleta azul y su hermano tiene una bicicleta roja. Su novia tiene una bicicleta morada. The boy has a blue bike and his brother has a red bike. His girlfriend has a purple bike.
- El muchacho está enojado porque su hermano toma la bicicleta azul y habla con su novia. The boy is mad because his brother takes the blue bike and talks with his girlfriend.
- El muchacho va a su casa. The boy goes to his goes.
- Su mamá está enojada porque el muchacho no tiene su bicicleta y su hermano está en el parque. His mom is mad because the boy doesn't have his bike and his brother is at the park.
- Su novia está enojada porque no quiere hablar con el hermano del muchacho. His girlfriend is mad because she doesn't want to talk with the brother of the boy.
- ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes tú? How many siblings do you have?
- ¿Adónde vas después de la clase de español? Where do you go after school?
- ¿Estás enojado mucho? Are you angry much?
- ¿Adónde vas cuando estás enojado? Where do you go when you're mad?
- ¿Tienes novio o novia? Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
- ¿Adónde vas cuando quieres (una hamburguesa, silencio, estudiar, hablar con tus amigos, un teléfono/computadora/camisa/etc. nuevo/a)? Where do you go when you want (a hamburger, silence, to study, to talk with your friends, a phone/computer/shirt/etc)
- ¿Estás enojado cuando (un amigo/hermano/padre/profesor/novio) (habla con otro muchacho, toma tus cosas, habla mucho, usa la computadora/teléfono, va a la casa de un amigo, etc.)? Are you angry when (someone) (does x)?
- ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes tú? Make a bulletin board bar graph; find the mean, median, and mode. How many siblings do you have?
- ¿Qué profesor tienes tú que está enojado mucho? ¿Por qué? What teacher do you have that is angry a lot? Why?
- ¿Qué tiene(s,n,) (tú, tus hermanos, tus amigos, tu novio/a, tu mamá/papá, profesor, etc.) que (tú, tus hermanos, tus amigos etc.) quiere(s,n)? Basically, what do you have that other people want or what do other people have that you want.
- ¿Muchos estudiantes tiene novios/novias cuando tienen __ años? Do a lot of students have boyfriends/girlfriends when they are __ years old?
- ¿Cuántos años tienes tú? (Explain that you say how many years you have instead of how many years you are in Spanish). How old are you?
- ¿Qué problemas causan los novios/las novias? What problems do boy/girlfriends cause?
There is a boy named Jalen. Jalen has a brother and he has a girlfriend named Rebeca. Also, he has a problem. His brother likes his girlfriend. One day, Jalen is at a friend’s house and his brother goes to his girlfriend’s house. He has roses for his girlfriend. His brother talks with her girlfriend, and she takes the roses and decides that she wants to be his brother’s girlfriend. And so, Jalen’s brother steals his girlfriend. When Jalen discovers that he no longer has a girlfriend, he is angry, but he doesn’t like conflict and so he ignores the situation and goes to New Jersey.
In NJ, Jalen talks with Snooki. Snooki wants to be Jalen’s girlfriend because he is very attractive and talented. Jalen is very happy. But his brother discovers that Snooki is Jalen’s girlfriend, and he goes to NJ too. One day, Jalen is at the ocean and his brother goes to Snooki’s apartment. His brother has diamonds for Snooki. His brother talks with Snooki, and she takes the diamonds and decides she wants to be Jalen’s girlfriend. And so, Jalen’s brother steals his girlfriend. Jalen discovers that he no longer has a girlfriend, and he is very angry, but he doesn’t like conflict and so he ignores the situation and goes to Las Vegas.
In Las Vegas, Jalen talks with Beyoncé. Beyoncé wants to be Jalen’s girlfriend because he is very attractive and talented. Jalen is very happy. But his brother discovers that Beyoncé is Jalen’s girlfriend, and he goes to LV too. One day, Jalen is at a Celine Dion concert and his brother goes to Beyoncé’s apartment. His brother has chocolate for Beyoncé. His brother talks with Beyoncé, and she takes the chocolate and decides she wants to be Jalen’s girlfriend. And so, Jalen’s brother steals his girlfriend. Jalen discovers that he no longer has a girlfriend, and he is very angry. But he has a plan. He calls Jay-Z, Beyonce’s husband. Jay-Z is very angry and attacks Jalen’s brother. Then, Jalen doesn’t have any more problems with his brother.