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El acosador TPRS® story script for irregular imperfect verbs

July 27, 2013

This script targets the three irregular imperfect verbs in Spanish: ser, ir, and ver. I actually taught this unit before the units that focus on regular imperfect verb conjugations because these three verbs are such high frequency. Students can pretty easily interpret the meaning of a regular imperfect verb, even if they have never learned imperfect verb conjugation, since the pattern is so familiar in look and sound to present tense verb forms. What I've found is that I don't need to tell students what those words mean in order for students to understand the story. With these irregular verb forms, though, it's harder to interpret them in context.

Once again, this story script was inspired by an idea from one of my students. Since I won't have 175 of them next year, I'm going to need to start hanging out at the mall or something and asking random middle schoolers for story ideas!


  1. era - s/he (I) was
  2. siempre veía - s/he (I) always used to see
  3. iba - s/he (I) was going/used to go


A character always saw the same person, thing, or animal whenever they went anywhere. Be careful when deciding together on the identity of the stalker, it should not be something that makes students feel uncomfortable or upset. Seeing animals or objects everywhere is the safest bet! Describe the main character and describe the person, thing, or animal that they always saw, and describe the places that they regularly went and saw the person, thing, or animal. Finally at the end, something changes!

Some fun ways that my class used this story were making the main character's parent the stalker, or an animal... like a sloth!

Suggestion: Solicit illustrated responses from your students for each of the places that the main character sees their stalker! This was a lot of fun with my students, and really limited the chaos.


The Spanish story script is available FREE in our subscriber library. Find it in the Story Scripts folder!

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There was was a girl named Julieta. Julieta was tall. Also, she was thin. She was intelligent, but she wasn’t interesting. And Julieta had a problem: she had a stalker. Her stalker was a woman. Her stalker was tall. Also, she was thin. She was very ugly too.

When Julieta would go to Burger King®, she would always see her stalker. Sometimes, she saw her stalker behind the counter. Other times, she saw the her stalker hiding under a table.

When she would go to her boyfriend’s house, she would see her stalker there, too. At times, she saw the stalker under a lamp. Other times, she would see him behind the couch while she watched TV her boyfriend.

When Julieta would go to the grocery store, she would also see her stalker. At times, she would see the stalker close to the fruit. Other times, she would see her in the entryway.
Julieta knew that she had to do something. She was going to tell the school security guard, but she couldn’t because he was asleep. She was going to buy pom poms to throw at her, but she didn’t do it because she didn’t have money.

One day, Julieta thought of a solution. She went to the bathroom. When she saw her stalker, she threw toilet water toward the stalker. The stalker shouted, “Yuck!” and she left the bathroom running. She never again stalked Julieta.


Find detailed lesson plans to use this story in class in Somos 2 Unit 7. Flex and Original plans are available!


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