Lugares de miedo | El palacio de Lecumberri
Spooky ready-to-go texts and activities in Spanish.
- Language
- Spanish
- Level
- Intermediate (Levels 2-4)
- Formats
- Pages
- 11 Pages
- Duration
- 1 hour
The Palacio de Lecumberri is a former prison located in Mexico City. The walls were home to decades of horrifying events, and so it is no surprise that this building is rumored to be filled with the ghosts of its victims.
This set of materials can be shared with students any time, and there is enough content for independent work to fill a 55 minute sub plan. Teach as a lesson around Halloween, or add it to a unit with a Supernatural theme or when learning about Mexico!
- 2-page reading in Spanish (Intermediate range)
- 2-page reading in Spanish (Novice Mid-High)
- 1 page snapchat activity
- 1 page comprehension questions.
- Instructions for Substitute
- Lugares de miedo| BUNDLE
- Lugares de miedo | El Cementerio de la Recoleta
- Lugares de miedo | El hotel Bolívar
- Lugares de miedo | El museo Reina Sofía
- Lugares de miedo | El panteón de Belén
- Lugares de miedo | La casa de las siete chimeneas
- Lugares de miedo | La isla de las muñecas
This product is a collaboration between Nelly Hughes and The Comprehensible Classroom. Do not purchase this product if you have previously purchased the Panteón de Belén materials from Comprendes Méndez SpanishShop.