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TPR Sentence Bingo in Spanish 8008169 1 2 3 4

Contextualized sentence bingo featuring comparisons vocabulary in Spanish

Beginner (Level 1), Novice (Levels 1-2)
Google Drive, PDF
50 Pages

This LOTERÍA game is unlike anything you will buy in a catalog! Instead of hearing isolated words, the teacher reads sentences to students as they search for pictorial representations of the sentence on their LOTERÍA boards. This is a great way to turn a traditional vocabulary game into an input-rich activity.

This game features the high-frequency verbs se sienta, se levanta, and grita and pairs with Somos 1 Unit 6. The vocabulary makes it perfect to pair with a Total Physical Response lesson at any time during the school year!

Sample sentences:

  • El chico se sienta en el suelo.
  • Jared se levanta y corre hacia el autobús.
  • La persona se sienta en el sofá y habla con su perro.
  • La chica grita: «Hola».

40 LOTERÍA boards, 60 cards, and student keys are included for each set, and it includes resources to play either in a traditional classroom space, with printable boards, or virtually with digital/paperless boards.


  • Great way to get repititions in of Unit 6 vocab which can seem hard for students. Also, great resource for Friday game day

    Bethany Pflug
  • Fun activity for any time, but was particularly helpful as we are nearing the end of the year and students' energy (as well as the teacher's) is low. This helped all of us stay focused while enjoying ourselves.

    Jennifer H.
  • My kids love these bingo games. I love the visual cues that help to connect the meanings of the words.

    Alexandra T.
  • My students loved using this resource. They were very engaged with this resource. 

    Rosio R.
  • I love the sentence bingos because it forces students to think deeper while also acquiring vocabulary!

    Sara H.



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