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Il y a + Aliment Sentence Bingo French 8970247 1 Food66 Food67 Food68

Il y a + aliment Sentence Bingo

Contextualized sentence bingo featuring comparisons vocabulary in French

Beginner (Level 1), Novice (Levels 1-2)
50 Pages

This BINGO game is unlike anything you will buy in a catalog! Instead of hearing isolated words, the teacher reads sentences to students as they search for pictorial representations of the sentence on their BINGO boards. This is a great way to turn a traditional vocabulary game into an input-rich activity.

This game features the high-frequency structure 'il y a' and food vocabulary.

Sample sentences:

  • Dans mon sac-repas il y a trois aliments : une poire, un sandwich et un yaourt.
  • Sur la table il y a quatre aliments : une salade, une tranche de pizza, un brocoli et une poire.
  • Dans le frigo il y a deux aliments : un yaourt et une poire.
  • Dans mon assiette il y a trois aliments : un sandwich, une poire et un yaourt.

35 Bingo boards, 45 cards, and student keys are included for each set, and it includes resources to play either in a traditional classroom space, with printable boards, or virtually with digital/paperless boards.


  • This bingo game was a fun and engaging way to help students to become very familiar with the vocabulary of foods and different articles and quantities. They were really focused on listening during the game and I think games like this are excellent for that visual connection as students are hearing the words. The images and pre-made sentences are awesome. 

    Elaine B.
  • Wonderful idea and wonderful reception. My students got really into the game. It has a lot of possibilities of implementation and it really helps systematize structures.

    Lixiao W.

Il y a + aliment Sentence Bingo


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