Contextualized sentence bingo featuring comparisons vocabulary in French
- Language
- French
- Level
- Beginner (Level 1), Novice (Levels 1-2)
- Formats
- Google Drive, PDF
- Pages
- 50 Pages
This BINGO game is unlike anything you will buy in a catalog! Instead of hearing isolated words, the teacher reads sentences to students as they search for pictorial representations of the sentence on their BINGO boards. This is a great way to turn a traditional vocabulary game into an input-rich activity.
This game features the high-frequency verbs s'asseoir, se lever, and crier and pairs with Nous Sommes 1 Unit 6. The vocabulary makes it perfect to pair with a Total Physical Response lesson at any time during the school year!
Sample sentences:
- Une personne avec des lunettes s’assied sur le sol.
- Une fille crie : « Bonjour, maman ! »
- Un chien s’assied seul sur un lit.
- Une fille se lève et marche vers le bus.
40 LOTERÍA boards, 60 cards, and student keys are included for each set, and it includes resources to play either in a traditional classroom space, with printable boards, or virtually with digital/paperless boards.
This was great! I have a VERY low energy French I class, and I am running out of ideas to keep them engaged. They really enjoyed this game, and I love how it's full descriptive sentences, not just single vocab words. Merci!
Emily K. -
As with another product, having some "games" to help us review that TPR vocan and front load it allows us that more opportunity to use and stayin the language later on. Merci !!!
Melanie Tupaj