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Personal Characteristics Sentence Bingo French 8708855 1 Characteristics45 Characteristics46 Characteristics47

Personal Characteristics Bingo | FRENCH

Contextualized sentence bingo featuring comparisons vocabulary in French

Beginner (Level 1), Novice (Levels 1-2)
Google Drive, PDF
50 Pages

This BINGO game is unlike anything you will buy in a catalog! Instead of hearing isolated words, the teacher reads sentences to students as they search for pictorial representations of the sentence on their BINGO boards. This is a great way to turn a traditional vocabulary game into an input-rich activity.

This game features personal characteristics vocabulary and different forms of the verb être, including the subjunctive form.

Sample sentences:

  • Mon amie est emphatique.
  • Tu es une personne comique.
  • Je veux être une personne plus sûre de moi-même.
  • Je veux que mes amis soient positifs.

40 Bingo boards, 60 cards, and student keys are included for each set, and it includes resources to play either in a traditional classroom space, with printable boards, or virtually with digital/paperless boards.


  • This was so much fun for my students. It really made them have to listen and think about what they heard. Merci mille fois.

    Ada M.
  • My students love Bingo and this was an easy way to get in more learning other than just a single word, which I appreciated!

    Vanessa Chapman
  • Excellent as always - can't use the same game every time but very useful when we want to focus on this topic and haven't done so in a while.

    Malnie Tupaj

Personal Characteristics Bingo | FRENCH


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