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-ER and -IR preterite regular verbs Grammar in Context

Grammar in Context notes and reading with activities

Intermediate (Levels 2-4), Novice (Levels 1-2)
10 Pages
Google Drive, PDF

These guided notes introduce students to preterite endings for -ER and -IR regular verbs with fill-in-the-blank notes and guided activities that increase in complexity, beginning with Spanish-English translation and ending with a perspective change re-write of a story provided (four options for the re-write are provided, depending on how much or how little scaffolding you want to provide for your students). It is suggested to teach this after students have studied and are comfortable with -AR regular preterit endings.

This resource also includes PAPERLESS/Digital versions of all activities.


  • Awesome resource for working on the -er and -ir verb endings in the preterit without being repetitive drill work. Loved it!

    Alicia P
  • Martina's creativity always amazes me!! She makes learning grammar even fun!! Thank you for such incredible stories used in a wide variety of ways so we never get bored!!

    Karen W.
  • Love the grammar in context series! My students tend to shut down when grammar is just thrown at them but with these, they can see that they already understand so much!

    Emily T.
  • I love the comprehensibility of the explanation and that my students can see the grammar in context! It stops the focus on memorization!

    Alita G.
  • I really appreciate how nicely the notes are laid out. It's visually easy to read and easy to explain from exactly what is provided. It takes very little prep on my part, it's all ready to go. Thank you! Great resource!

    Rachel T.

-ER and -IR preterite regular verbs Grammar in Context


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