What is an ekeko? | Spanish Reading
- Language
- Spanish
- Level
- Beginner (Level 1), Novice (Levels 1-2)
- Formats
This simple slideshow reading and accompanying reading & comprehension activity worksheet will inject authentic culture into your Spanish classes as early as the first week of school! These materials are entirely in Spanish, and students will be able to read the texts with reasonable ease if they have already worked through SOMOS Unit 1 (which you can download for free here).
These materials include
- a slideshow reading in Spanish presenting an overview of what an Ekeko is along with five comprehension questions in Spanish
- a one-page printable reading in Spanish with a complete glossary; slightly different than the slideshow reading
- two reading-based comprehension activities (in Spanish)
- suggested lesson plans
- 10 artistas que debes conocer | BUNDLE
- 5 afrolatinas
- 5 fábulas de Esopo
- 5 héroes de la Independencia de México
- 5 personajes de la Revolución Mexicana
- Anansi y el kiwano que habla | Spanish storybook
- Animales peligrosos | BUNDLE
- Cinco animales en peligro de extinción
- Cognates Los animales | Spanish
- Diego Maradona
- El Festival de los Barriletes Gigantes | 3 scaffolded readings
- El que sabe, sabe | Los animales
- El silbo gomero | Spain's Amazing Whistling Language
- Guatemalan Chicken Buses
- Hotel de basura
- La araña, leyenda quechua | Reading and activities in Spanish
- La casa azul printable storybook in simple Spanish
- La Isla de Basura
- La revancha de los carpinchos
- La Tomatina | Simple Reading
- Las ranas de cristal | Simple readings in Spanish
- Lionel Messi
- Pop culture personalities | Spanish
I can't thank you enough for the differentiation and activities within these units. Even my Heritage Speakers learned something new!
Jacqueline L. -
This was a cultural presentation for students. There is no need for preparation, just provide copies to the students. This activity allows them to ask questions about cultural activities, traditions and more in our comprehension questions and discussion in class.
Marlene R. -
Great reading that students were able to understand because of the wide use of cognates. Great for the beginning of school.
Michelle G. -
El ekeko is such a fun and engaging story for beginning Spanish learners. It was a hit!
Leigh Ann Nesbitt L. -
Good value for price for this time-saver. Adaptable to many levels if you differentiate the grammar. Makes it easy to incorporate more reading in class. A different cultural aspect that is often overlooked.
Sandra R.